L’anarchist et les 144 000 sauveurs ou le Nouveau Love & Peace Life Project


The Anarchist and the 144,000 Saviors or the New Love & Peace Life Project is the literary continuity of an action that has been going on for 21 years and aims at participating in the establishment of a permanent peace and a planetary peace. quantum change of Collective Consciousness. After six years of social, humanitarian and cultural actions with young people and inhabitants of a sensitive casthe-deodoric city with the TEB Association, after five years of conferences, workshops and workshops of personal development and shamanism, after seven years of coordination World Days of Peace in France with Emergence 21 related to the call of the first peoples of the Earth, this book-musical tale and great game aims to help in the manifestation of this gathering.

The author has no retention true literary but uses this possible to deliver his message of Peace and commitment to another possible, connected, peaceful and loving world since Love exists as Consciousness and Peace, as human experience. An act of faith of one neither God nor master.

The Author

Steeve Nyatepe-Coo Paradis The author is a landowner at all, born Franco-French half of Picardy in 1969. He had a childhood and a teenage country peaceful punctuated by schooling, scouting and television, influenced by the spirit of the 70s and loving parents. Prince Evé of Togo by these African ancestors, very young an inner voice invited him to “save the world” by identifying with the heroes of the time: Goldorak, Albator, Zorro, the Thunderbirds and of course a hippie superhero called Jesus Christ.

He was lucky to never forget this childhood dream. After a mystical experience at the age of 19, he sought out many ways to understand the eaning and achieve this “internal program “as a Generation X Neo in the matrix globalist called Babylon the Great: 20 years of study in psychology, personal development, shamanism, occultism and various initiations including that of the Voodoo of Togo Light have leads to initiate the World Days of Peace with Emergence 2011.

The 2010 Love & Peace Life Project represents the written part of the movement. The goal is to gather the 144,000 servants and “Saviors” of humanity described in various prophecies of which the Apocalypse of St John. Very politically involved in liberating Togo from 43 years of military dictatorship organized and maintained by the French government, its action is also geared towards know the situation of his people to the French and to the world.

Imagine que depuis ton enfance, en France comme ailleurs, une conscience, sous toutes ses formes et petite voix intérieure, te dise et te répète : tu es celui et celle que beaucoup de monde, y compris la TERRE, espère et attend depuis grosso modo 1977 ans (de + 33 à maintenant) pour changer de plan, inviter ce qui est nommé l’Eternel (et milliards d’autres noms) à se manifester sur Terre et sauver l’Amour avec l’Esprit de D. Balavoine & friends, quelques volontaires, amis, familles, soeurs et frères, en vaisseau mère venant d’en Haut, du CIEL Univers. Si Je te disais, Bruce tout puissant, que le Christ 2 (Ze retour) de la Belle Histoire de Lelouch, version 2011, c’est toi avec nous tous :
Qu’est-ce que tu ferais ?
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