The Link Between Loneliness and Substance Abuse: 5 Things You Need to Know

While this might not work right away, it’s definitely a good place to begin the healing process. These relationships can help you continue to hold yourself accountable throughout your recovery journey. The journey of recovery requires leaving the world of substance use behind, including any relationships that may hinder your progress.

With our help, you can recover from your substance abuse disorder with the assistance of those who love you. Turning to drugs or alcohol is a way for many individuals to escape that isolating emotional pain. But when the self-medication turns into substance abuse, the addict suddenly finds him or herself lonelier than ever. Finding a supportive community is a vital part of the addiction recovery process. A recent study found that forming social relationships with others is paramount to successfully recovering from addiction.

Just because you’re alone doesn’t mean you are necessarily lonely. Being alone can also be an opportunity to do some things you can’t do when other people are around. It may be a chance for you to read, write, meditate, create, listen to music, and think about your values and priorities. Make up your mind to reach out to one person or to attend one event. Having a purpose is about discovering what truly motivates you to stay sober.

  1. In 2022, the government announced a plan to study the underlying causes of mental illness, including poverty and isolation.
  2. I also knew that if I wanted to make real and lasting changes, it would take dedication and hard work.
  3. Relationships are typically built through frequent, low-intensity contact.
  4. The 12-step support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are excellent places for people in recovery suffering from loneliness.
  5. This is crucial, as these people know what you’re going through because they’re going through it, too.

If you’re curious about a finding a sponsor, ask anyone at an AA or NA meeting, click the link above, or talk to your therapist or counselor. Once you have a sponsor, they should be the first number on speed dial in your phone – and you should use that number often. Treatment programs for addiction are standing by to help you take that first step. Contact The Recovery Village Ridgefield today to discuss your treatment options.

Relationships are typically built through frequent, low-intensity contact. If you still haven’t apologized and made amends to some people, now might be a good time to do that. An apology and making amends won’t fix your relationship right away but it’s a good place to start. Finally, remember the three Ps to help you find balance and joy in your sobriety.

Stay Active and Healthy

Sign up for classes or join groups that revolve around these new interests or hobbies. All of these new experiences present chances to connect with people around you. Many people feel lonely during addiction recovery as their normal social circle is stripped away. Most of those who struggle with addiction surround themselves with other people with addiction.

Some people may even make themselves available if you feel like you need someone to talk to. Going to meetings regularly also gives structure to your day so that if you do feel lonely, you have a definite idea of when that might end. Keep in mind, especially if you’re relatively new, that engagement is key.

Community, Connection, and Compassion

Therefore, although you need to stay away from the people you got high with, it is wise to form a social network to combat loneliness. True friendships can help build self-esteem and give you accountability throughout your recovery. When people are held accountable in recovery, they are less likely to relapse. You can practice accountability with counselors in treatment and other companions. People who have substance use disorders are trying to avoid negative emotions. Unfortunately, some people turn to drugs to self-medicate depression or anger.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Whether you’re struggling to overcome loneliness in addiction recovery or anything else, our center is here for you. When you enter into addiction treatment, it’s important to find a supportive community to help you in your addiction recovery process. Social support circles are extremely powerful when drinking after work becomes a problem alcohol addiction in helping you stay sober and feel welcomed. Interacting with people in early recovery can feel like navigating a minefield. Or do you have surface level interactions that don’t really mean anything? The latter option will leave you feeling alone even if you talk to people every day.

How Social Support Fights Loneliness

It’s also important to remember that recovery takes time, so don’t be discouraged if you initially feel lost. The fear of getting criticized or ridiculed by family and friends can also cause isolation. It’s normal to feel disconnected from your previous life and relationships when you stop drinking or using drugs, as these activities often form part of top 10 best mens sober house in dorchester ma in boston, ma january 2024 your social circle. No matter what recovery community you join, it’s important that you attend some kind of meeting or group aimed at helping you stay on the road to recovery. Attending regular meetings gives you a place to be social, allows you to connect with others, and helps you build new relationships with people who share the same goals as you.

A therapist or counsellor can be someone you trust to talk to about uncomfortable feelings when they come up, such as loneliness. A counsellor will help you identify thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that are no longer serving you. They will support you and hold you accountable as you rebuild your life in recovery. If you’re capable of caring for an animal, consider adopting a cat or dog. These furry friends can give your life new meaning and help you stay focused as you recover from substance abuse disorder. One of the best ways to overcome loneliness is to care for oneself.

Making Human Connection in Addiction Recovery

Providing individuals with tools allows them to take control of their own emotional wellbeing. Things such as community events, block parties, game nights, and planned activities can help reduce social isolation. Group therapy may also include bereavement 4 ways to relax without alcohol groups that allow individuals who are struggling with similar losses (causing loneliness) to connect. Groups can provide clients with immediate feedback in a safe environment and help normalize any social anxiety that may be the root cause of loneliness.

We utilize an accessibility interface that allows persons with specific
disabilities to adjust the website’s UI (user interface) and design it to their personal needs. We are committed to providing a comfortable and effective place for clients to get clean and begin their journey in recovery. Believe it or not, having house plants can help ward off loneliness. Keeping a plant alive puts you in touch with your greater connection to the world.

One early study discussed the necessity of psychological intervention and mental health care during disasters of all kinds, and COVID-19 was no exception. Additionally, one study shows that the greater the feelings of isolation and loneliness, the greater the impact on a person’s mental health. Isolation leads to people feeling more lonely, and loneliness can lead to substance use. While you were using drugs or alcohol, your friend group was most likely made up of people who did the same. I am fortunate enough to work in the mental health field, which has allowed me to be surrounded by people who understand and can help me stay on track. In the past, I used alcohol as a coping mechanism, but now I use healthier coping methods such as mindfulness and meditation among other tools.

Addiction Destroys Dreams, We Can Help

The Self-Care Checkup can guide individuals toward mental, physical, emotional, and social ways to care for themselves. This Three-Step Mindfulness Worksheet helps lonely individuals shift their attention from the past or future (grief or anxiety about not having connection) to the present moment. By developing this internal awareness, clients can tolerate the waves of loneliness whenever they hit. The LSNS is a short instrument designed to assess social isolation in older adults.

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